" While I was in Rio 2 weeks ago, I had the pleasure to animate a Dj Workshop at the Favella Du Morro Cerro-Cora during the No Joke Brazil managed by Merry and Kizo.
During this event I teached the basics of Djiing to the kids and I have to say that kid's smiles and energy is priceless. This was really one of the best experience I had...Hope they had the same feeling as well.
First of all, I want to thanks all the children, the association of Memórias do Cerro Corá, Merry, Kizo, Rafael of Cinema Cinedadania, Trilce, Dias Jeferson Dias Marcio Lima, Felipe Ciprieny Lima, Lambarie, and everybody involved in this event who made that day so special.
I only wrote a couple of lines because pictures speaks from themselves.... Love is better " - J Hart
Photo by Rafael of Cinema Cinedadania
Photos by Memórias do Cerro Corá